Having played at Alexandra in the Foodworks Murrindindi Masters the previous Saturday it was back on home soil last Saturday for the Marysville golfers with both the men and ladies playing a stroke round. The course was in excellent condition and conditions not too hot as the magnificent trees on the course provided much needed shade when required.
Members welcomed to the competition visitors Sam Wright and Jonathan Fisher from Yea Golf Club and Meegan and Ralph Jackson from the Llanherne Golf Club in Hobart. Meegan and Ralph were starting a 12-month caravan trip around the mainland and were pleased to start their journey in Marysville.
The winner of the men’s competition was Alan Howard (18) with nett 71 followed by Duncan Talbot (12) with nett 73 on a 4-way count back. The ladies winner was Beverley Bellman (36) with an excellent nett 68 followed by Lesley Rundle (33) with nett 71. The nearest the pins were won by Jonathan Fisher, Keith Atwell, Rebecca Lee and Duncan Talbot. Jonathan and Duncan shared the money for the Golden Shot. Jodie Doran won the putting with 28 putts.
At the presentation members acknowledged Alan Howard’s birthday with a delicious Devonshire tea and cake made by his wife Helen. It was also Peter Lilley’s birthday but after a mishap on the course he was unable to attend the presentation and share with Alan the members rendition of Happy Birthday.
On Wednesday four pairs from Marysville will play in the Australia Day 4BBB at Seymour and we thank those eight members for representing Marysville at the event.
Next Saturday Yea will be hosting the third round of the Foodworks Murrindindi Masters so there will be no competition at Marysville that day. Marysville will host the 4th round on Saturday 12th February. Would those responsible from each club for sending the entries in please do so by the Sunday night prior to the event. There is an enormous amount of work and planning to do for each round of the Masters and organisers need the week before the game to complete the task.

Lesley Rundle