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Golf Report - 21 September 2024

Last Saturday’s game was a Par round for both the men and the ladies with the men’s round being the third of the Par Shield. The men’s winner was Keith Atwell (20) with +3 followed by Steve Berry (11) with +1. The ladies winner was Jody Doran (12) with -2 and Margaret Blair (33) was the runner up with -7. Travers Stow, visiting player Alex Bullard and Richy Clark won the nearest the pins with Richy also winning the Golden Shot. After play members celebrated Keith Atwells 70th Birthday.

Members and visiting golfers are reminded that next Saturday due to the AFL final a stableford game will be played with an 8.30am arrival for a 9.00am hit off. As of Saturday October 12th, due to daylight saving time commencing, golf will be a 9.00am arrival for a 9.30 am tee off.

The 2023/4 AGM was held in the clubrooms with all reports tabled or read out. Steve Coker was re-elected as President and Travers Stow as Treasurer. Other committee members are Jody Doran, Peter Lilley, Richy Clark, Colin Davies, Ross Ansell, and newly elected Mark Bambery and Paul Martin. Members thank Mim Page for her services to the committee and all those willing to take on the responsibility of managing the club for the next 12 months. Any members who are willing to volunteer to assist with the upkeep of the course are asked to contact Kellan Fiske.

On Thursday 19 September three Marysville ladies played in the Kilmore annual tournament. A good field of 37 ladies played and Heather Jenkins won 4 Dalhousie Player of the Year points. The next Dalhousie ladies event will be the Euroa Bowl on Thursday 3rd October and the Marysville ladies tournament will be held on Thursday 10th October.

On Saturday 21st September a Trivia Night was held at the club and 80 adults and children enjoyed a fun filled evening.  Members would like to express their grateful thanks to Sabrina Stow and her son Julian for organising the night, all those who assisted on the night and all those locals visitors and businesses who supported the successful event.

Lesley Rundle

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