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Golf Report - 21 August 2022

It was another quiet week at the Marysville Golf Club for the golfers but the green keeping team have to work hard every day to maintain the course. This week some goat mustering had to happen when two goats were seen enjoying the grass on the 14th fairway. Course supervisor Kellan Fiske put his goat whispering skills to the test and was able to return them to the neighbouring farm before they inflicted too much damage to the course.

On Saturday both the men and the ladies played a Par round with the men’s event incorporating the third round of the Par Shield. Playing numbers were low as the morning weather was wet and cold but for those who ignored that and chose to soldier on played in dry conditions. The men’s winner was Peter Lilley (18) with square on a countback from Ritchie Clark (16). Those who qualified in this round for the Par Shield final on Saturday 10th September were Ritchie Clark, Ming Kuan, Paul Martin and Steve Coker. The ladies winner was the in-form Heather Jenkins (21) with minus 4 on a countback from Gail Leigh (12). The nearest the pins were won by Gail Leigh on the 4th, Ming Kuan on the 9th and Brian Worcester on the 18th who also won the Golden Shot. Alexandra member Jarrod Sloane was welcomed to the competition. Next week the third round of the mixed match play will be played with Yewls Kuan playing Jody Doran and Ming Kuan playing Steve Coker. Those who are no longer in the mixed match play will play a stableford round.

The Dalhousie District ladies events have started after the winter break and on Thursday a number of ladies will play in the Broadford Bowl.

The club AGM will be held on Saturday 10th September at 9.00am in the clubroom.

Lesley Rundle



Provisional Ball - a possible scenario.

It is always interesting playing golf with casual golfers (I am including myself in this) and especially when it is a stroke round. Arghhh!

Possible Scenario: You get to the 17th tee and decide to unleash the biggest and best drive you've hit all day but alas, the body and the head are not talking to each other (as they have done all day) and you hit it out to the right in all that lush, thick, long grass that you are all too familiar with!

To save time you decide to 'reload' and play another one from the tee after clearly letting your playing partners know it is a 'provisional' ball.

This time you are more conservative and play a hybrid down the fairway. You are confident that your tee shot is still further on than where you provisional ball is so you play it again (down the fairway) and then start to look for your original tee shot. After a couple of minutes you tell everyone it is lost and start to walk down the fairway.

One of your playing partners then yells out that they have found your ball.

You tell them it is too late as you had already declared it lost so let's just move on.

Unfortunately, the 3 minutes for searching for the ball was not up when the ball was found so it now becomes the ball in play if it is identified as your original ball.

You can never declare a ball lost. A ball is only lost through time and/or action.

TIME: Had the 3 minutes passed it would have been lost.

ACTION: Had the player played their provisional ball from a position nearer the hole than where they thought the tee shot was, it becomes the ball in play.

ACTION: If you play the provisional ball without declaring it a provisional ball and simply hit another ball, that ball becomes the ball in play.

Be mindful of these scenarios as I have seen too many players simply put another ball down after hitting a bad shot, not clearly stating it is a provisional, and then expecting their playing partners to accept that this is what they intended!

Hope this helps some time in the future, but not too soon!

Andrew O'Shea

MCG&BC Committee Member & Golf Australia Level 2 Rules accredited.

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